Deciding on which exterior paint colours to choose for your house significantly affects your home’s appeals. The right kind of paint not only adds beauty but also increases the value of your house, leaving a good impression on visitors. Individuals planning to sell their houses benefit as a good-looking property increases the chances of closing a good deal.
Now that you know why choosing exterior paint colours wisely is important, you must also know what factors you should consider before finalizing the exterior paint colours for your UK home. This article explains more on the factors to consider before making your final exterior painting decision and some of the best exterior paint colour combinations you can use to improve its appeal.
Factors to Consider Before Deciding on the Exterior Paint Colours
1- Consult with a Colour Visualizer
Once you decide to paint, use a colour visualizer to find the right paint colour combination for your exterior and print (if any). Many companies offer colour visualizer tools, allowing their users to browse dozens of popular colours and decorator picks. You upload a current photo of your home, and the program tests out different colour variables to give you a hint of how your walls will look.
2- Existing Elements
You also need to consider the existing elements around your home, specially the permanent materials which will not be replaced soon. Pick a colour that will not interfere with their appeal and deliver the best out of the exterior of your walls. Features like patios and visible stone foundations are good examples of these permanent house features.
Your roof colour also falls under this category; you wouldn’t want it to clash with the exterior paint colours. Find a paint colour combination that will harmonize your entire structure to result in a distinctive exterior appearance. Tools offered by firms like Sherwin-Williams and Benjamin Moore will prove helpful in finding those undertones that create perfect harmony.
3- Architecture
The exterior paint colours you choose for your home should align with the architectural design present. Some colours go well with a mid-century modern ranch structure, while others create the ideal scene with Craftsman bungalow buildings. Looking for pictures from the web similar to the design of your home might also be a practical approach to sourcing ideas.
4- Neighbourhood
It would also help to consider which colours your neighbours use on their exteriors to avoid scenarios where your house will awkwardly stick out in your community. Take some time to understand the community’s overall colour scheme and find the ideal paint colour for your exterior that will fit perfectly. Individuals living in communities governed by a homeowner’s association will need to confirm with the respective bodies the restrictions involved before selecting exterior paint colours for your home.
What Types of Paint are Suitable for the Exterior?
There are two paint types to choose from when selecting your home’s exterior paint colours; oil-based paints and latex paints.

1- Oil-Based Paint
This paint type is ideal for the exterior because of its durability and water-resistant features. Almost every professional painter uses them since they result in a hard finish and go well with already painted surfaces. You will need to stir it because the oil types present tend to separate fast. A brush or roller is also necessary when applying oil-based paint to your walls.
2- Latex Paint
Latex exterior paints are an excellent alternative to oil-based prospects, which have featured several changes to improve service delivery. They are easier to handle and apply, making them the best option for those planning to DIY. Try that the latex paint used on your interior walls is different from that used on exterior walls, otherwise it will be too monotonous and boring.
5 Best Exterior Paint Colour Combinations for Your Home
1- Taupe
Taupe, as exterior paint colours, performs exemplary in delivering a natural vibe to your home. The director of colour marketing at Sherwin-Williams, one of the industry’s major paint brands, confirmed that the Taupe (SW 7038) is among the most popular exterior colours.

2- Blue-Grey
If you crave a nautical and serene feel, the deep blue-gray is the perfect colour combination for your exterior walls. You may also brighten up the edges with white trim to bring out a near-perfect home exterior.

3- Green-Grey
Green can also make an ideal colour for your exterior walls. A neutral shade between gray and green will make a perfect view for houses on the farm side.

4- Yellow
Happy is the perfect interpretation of the message the yellow colour on your external walls shares. Try and select a pale shade of the paint to maintain a cheerful hue and ensure it does not excessively stand out.

5- Light Blue
Selecting a light blue shade for your exterior paint colours will create a deep aqua appeal in your environment. The colour is perfect for homes situated along the coastline, enhancing the fresh vibe in the region.

Whatever paint type or colour you choose, make sure they fit the overall theme and budget. It would be best if you found professional exterior painters near you to get finished and top-notch results. If you are someone based in and around Hampshire, Guildford, or Alton and planning to paint, reach out to Bourne Decorators, and get professional advice on exterior paint colours for your home in the UK.